BDL MT Recruitment 2022- Bharat Dynamic Limited gives you opportunity for joining Various number of freshers Odisha govt job vacancies. If you are interested in BDL MT Office Recruitment 2022 vacancies in Odisha and complete all the eligibility criteria then you can apply for Odisha govt job Jobs. Before apply for this this Jobs you must read the official notification and apply for the posts.

In this website we provide all India Government and Private Jobs notification. If you are interested in Railway Jobs, Bank Jobs, Google Company Jobs, Samsung Jobs, Microsoft Jobs and other important jobs 2022. You can find Previous year questions, Exam Syllabus, Admit Card, Government Schemes and important information in our channel. We do not take any money from our Visitors. Our platform is totally free of Course.
Job Description
Organization:- BDL MT
Post Name:- Management Trainee
Qualification:- Diploma
Age Limit:- 21-32 Years
Selection Method:- Written Exam
Last Date:- 28th November
Posting Place:- India
Apply Fee:- RS 500/-
Total Posts:- 37 Posts
Important Documents
- Qualification Certificate
- 10th Certificate
- Pass port Size Photo
- Aadhar Card
- Caste Certificate
- PWD Certificate
Important Documents
- Qualification Certificate
- 10th Certificate
- Pass port Size Photo
- Aadhar Card
- Caste Certificate
- PWD Certificate
Important Notes
- Applications forms received after due date will not be entertained under any Circumstances. Incomplete application will be rejected without any reason and Correspondence.
- Therefore application forms must reach before the last date.
- Belated/Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected
How to Apply:-
- At first the candidates visit the official website
- Then go to the career/Online Application page & Click on it.
- Noe the candidate register yourself in the portal and apply for the job.
- Do not forget to upload the Certificates, Photo and Signature on the portal.
- If this is an offline vacancy , the fill the form carefully and attach all your documents.
- Now send this to the given address through Speed Post/Register Posts
- Now keep your eyes on the website for updating the Admit card and Exam Date.